Jupiter Grades
Hello families. Here you will find instructions on setting up your own Jupiter Grades account. Jupiter is the gradebook software that Warner teachers use to upload assignments, grades, quizzes, tests, and communications. At any point you can check your students grades, GPA, and message your student's teachers with questions you may have.
YouTube Tutorial on how to log into Jupiter Grades. Click Here!
If you need one-on-one support, please check with your child first. All students should know how to log into their account and should be able to help their parents.
1. Go to login.JupiterEd.com
2. Click on "Parent".
3. Type Name: Student Name (First Last)
Password: Type your password, or click "Forgot Password".
School: Warner Middle School
City: Westminster
State: California
4. At the prompt, choose your own password. (Your child has a different password.)
5. At the next prompt, enter your email.